A Guide to Text Generation with ChatGPT: Using AI for Your Writing Needs
If you're looking for a way to automate the creation of texts, this guide can help. We'll take you through the process of using ChatGPT, an AI tool that can create engaging texts to fit your needs.
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Umsatz: 1 Mio.
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Understanding Your Text Generation Needs

Before you start using ChatGPT, it's important to know what you want. What kind of texts do you need? Do they require a certain writing style? How often do they need to be updated? Having clear answers to these questions will make the rest of the process much smoother.

Putting ChatGPT to Work

ChatGPT is a helpful tool for automating text creation. It can be adjusted to match your specific needs. Using an API, or a tool that helps different pieces of software work together, can make the process even more efficient. It helps move things along from the starting point to the finished text.

Even when you're using AI to write, it's a good idea to have a person check the texts before they're published. A “human in the loop”. This means that AI supports you with text generation, but a human is accountable for quality assurance and for precisely meeting the requirements. A “human in the loop” makes up for the flaws that AIs still have, e.g. when they give out incorrect or outdated information.

Working Together for Better Texts

Communication is key when you're creating texts with AI. If you're working with a team or with clients, it's important to keep everyone in the loop. This can help you refine the prompts you give to the AI. Getting the prompts right may take some trial and error, but leads to better results. Paying attention to details like formatting and style can make a big difference. Including everyone in the process ensures that the final product is what you wanted.

Improving Your Texts Over Time

Bei der Verwendung von ChatGPT ist zu beachten, dass es ein iterativer Prozess ist. Wenn deine Texte von Zeit zu Zeit aktualisiert werden müssen, musst du dies im Prozess einplanen. Manche Textsorten erfordern monatliche, wöchentliche oder gar tägliche Aktualisierungen.Eine Möglichkeit, deine Texte ständig zu verbessern, besteht darin, sie auf ihre Suchmaschinen-Performance zu überprüfen. Wenn deine Texte nicht so gut abschneiden wie gewünscht, musst du möglicherweise Änderungen vornehmen. Je nach Grund für die schlechte SEO-Performance (Search Engine Optimization) können dies zum Beispiel folgende Änderungen sein:

  • Verbesserung der Titel und Überschriften der Texte
  • Anpassung der Keywords auf der Grundlage einer Keyword-Analyse (von einer KI oder einem Menschen durchgeführt)
  • Anpassen der URL des Textes
  • Anpassen oder Hinzufügen von passenden und originellen Bildern oder Videos


Using ChatGPT for text generation can be a game changer for your writing needs. It involves understanding what you want, working together, and always looking for ways to improve. With a bit of patience and persistence, you can create engaging texts that meet your needs as good as possible.

As a software company, we help other companies get the most out of these approaches. Using AI for automation has already shown improvements for our customers, e.g. speeding up their writing process by the factor of 90.

Matthias Reineke
Head of Department | DKB

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