People who live technology.

Together we are developing Sidestream into the company we always wanted to work for. At heart, everyone here wants to work with exciting people and do good work. To do this, we avoid egos, inertia and meeting marathons. Instead, we focus on pragmatism, diversity and state-of-the-art tools.

Rating Glassdoor Sidestream

"Supportive and friendly workspace."

Rating Kununu Sidestream

"Diverse company and real teamwork."

What is behind Sidestream?

At first glance, we are a company like any other. Whether it's an innovative AI start-up, a professional digitization partner or a cool tech company from Cologne - it depends on who you ask.

Wofür steht ihr denn dann bei Sidestream?

Unsere Gründer Daniel und Nils haben Sidestream mit dem Ziel gestartet, einen Arbeitsplatz zu schaffen, in dem wir gemeinsam gute, ehrliche Arbeit verrichten können. Nach vier Jahren haben wir zwar schon viel geschafft, aber alle hier sind genauso hungrig wie an Tag 1.

Bisher haben wir hier über 50 Softwareprojekte erfolgreich umgesetzt und betreiben ein Dutzend davon dauerhaft.

Und wie habt ihr euch weiterentwickelt?

Seit 2021 sind wir deutschlandweiter Pionier in der Zusammenarbeit mit dezentralen Organisationen.

2022 haben wir mit sidebase unser eigenes Entwicklungsframework als Open Source Framework erfolgreich gelauncht.

2023 haben wir in unserem ersten Joint Venture den GX Manager erfolgreich auf den Markt gebracht, unser eigenes SaaS Produkt.

Sidestream sind nicht mehr nur Daniel und Nils, sondern 20 weitere Mitarbeiter. Jeder ist wichtig, jeder trägt Verantwortung, jeder gibt jeden Tag alles für unsere Kunden und unser Team.


A look inside

From the outside it is always difficult to understand what makes a company really tick. This usually only becomes apparent after a while. We'll take the shortcut and give 12 excerpts from the inner workings of Sidestream.


Our counterpart to Googlers. Pronounced like [sisters] and stands for "SIdeSTReam employeeS".

Sistrs Code

Our compass for corporate values, responsibilities and necessary skills.

Hybrid workstations

In keeping with our focus on good work and interpersonal relationships: No one has to come into the office, but anyone can come in at any time. Personal responsibility is a top priority at Sidestream.

Modern Tools & Tech

Automation-first: We use the most modern tools so that all sistrs can focus on the essentials. Our company's operating systems are Notion and GitHub. We rely on a pragmatic mix of corporate tech like Kubernetes and Bitwarden and combine this with agile tools like Slack and

Meeting Free Mornings

No meetings before 11:45! This way, every sistr can start the day with uninterrupted deep work and deliver real value. We also rely heavily on asynchronous communication in Notion and Github.

Engineering Workplace

Clients and sistrs appreciate Sidestream's rigorous software development process. That's because in addition to working on software projects, we also work weekly to further improve this process. So customers always get the best performance on the market and sistrs work in the best environment.


Every Friday we pause briefly to review the week in our internal newsletter, with formats like: Weekly Recap, Recently at Sidestream, Sistr of the month, Quick Tips for Hip Kids, Project Deep Dives, Meme of the Week, etc.

Willingness to experiment

For all our agility: In our sales, in our customer support and in the execution of our projects, the focus is on excellence and quality. We try out a lot in the further development of the company: Move fast and break things.

Hackathons and Summits

The latest addition to the Sidestream family: joint participation in hackathons. At our first hackathon in mid-August 2023, we directly took the first place out of 1200 worldwide participants to Cologne. We like to measure ourselves against the worldwide competition, especially when we win ;)

Team Events

Despite all the pragmatism with meeting-free time and peak performance, fun should not be missing. Once a month we meet in person (or remotely) and do something together. Twice a year we travel together to Workation.


Structures meet personal responsibility. We rely on as much structure as necessary to remain excellent, but no more. Specifically, we have 3 departments: Business Development, People and Operations, and Fulfillment.

Routines and Rituals

People are creatures of habit, and so are Sistrs. Despite an exciting workday with new challenges and successes every day, we rigorously stick to our rituals, such as the daily stand-up at 11:45 with updates from the management and formats like Messed up Monday and What's up Wednesday.


Want to be part of the Sistrs? Here are a few current job postings. Don't be surprised, we republish every week, with slightly adjusted job titles. That's how we stay on top of the job boards.

However, we often post from speculative applications, so just get in touch.